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# {*no-status title-slide} // comment - - - ## Tonight - Personal Learning - Facilitating Learning - Resources - {notes} - name, credential (interest and readings but no expert) - hook: better at learning / helping other learn - last point is also the credentiality - ... before we start ## `$ whoami` {darkened bottom-left noimgmargin /no-status} - {notes} - chercheur en ML, mais avant en archi log - geek: des projets à coté, dont deck.js et des isochrones - enseignant + swc instructor ## {/no-status no-h} - `$ whoami` {no} - Software Engineer - Researcher: machine learning, computer vision - Teacher: web technologies, computing literacy, … - Geek: deck.js slides, isochrones, … # Personal Learning ## The Importance of the Mindsets - From *Teaching Adolescents to Become Learners: The Role of Non-cognitive Factors in Shaping School Performance* ## Develop a Growth Mindset - Fixed mindset - **intelligence is static** - think you are good in some area - and bad in others - and that it can't change - Growth mindset {slide} - **intelligence can be developed** - believe you can learn anything - if you put effort, work and practice ## Take Care of Yourself - Do sport - stimulates neural development - reduces stress - Sleep well {slide} - consolidates learning - increase focus - Meditate, concentrate on a side activity {slide} - reduces stress - improves concentration capabilities ## Basics Techniques, Compared - The scientific paper and a summary (from which the above table is taken) ## Take Care of your Learning - Plan your learning - spaced/distributed/interleaved learning - overview then details - practice chunking (grouping ideas) - Switch between thinking modes: focused vs diffuse {slide} - Protect your learning {slide} - cut distraction, avoid procrastination - maximize focused attention - ensure regular breaks - Use handwriting {slide} ## Tool: the pomodoro technique {image-full bottom-left darkened /black-bg /no-status}
- {notes} - focused (as it is time boxed) - "ensures" breaks ## Tool: flash cards {image-full bottom-left darkened /black-bg /no-status}
## Tool: concept maps {image-full bottom-left darkened /black-bg /no-status}
# Facilitating Learning ## Key Points - Be enthusiastic - Know your "audience" // and interset - levels: novice -> competent -> expert {slide} - zone of proximal development, scaffolding - Favor a sense of belonging {slide} - fight the impostor syndrome - watch Amy Cuddy - don't use "just" - Ensure the proper mindset {slide} // next ## Growth Mindset {growth} - Do - Emphasize learning goals - Praise people for effort - Attribute success to working hard - Embrace mistakes - Model learning from mistakes - Don't {slide} - Focus only on performance goals - Praise people for getting the right answer without trying - Describe certain youth as "smart" - Reinforce self-criticism - Maintain a fixed mindset about your own expertise ## Tool: sticky notes {image-full top-left darkened /black-bg /no-status}
- {side} - display completion - ask for help - answer MCQ - provide feedback ## Peer Instruction:
just in time teaching - Have people discuss and "teach" each others // also learning groups - Use to - debunk misconceptions - anticipate pain points - {notes} - Instructor poses question based on students' responses to their pre-class reading - Students reflect on the question - Students commit to an individual answer - Instructor reviews student responses - Students discuss their thinking and answers with their peers - Students then commit again to an individual answer - The instructor again reviews responses and decides whether more explanation is needed before moving on to the next concept. # Resources ## Resources {.resources #ressss} - *How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching* **Book by Marie K. Norman, Marsha C. Lovett, Michael W. Bridges, Michele DiPietro, and Susan A. Ambrose{subinfo}** - *Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects* **MOOC by Barbara Oakley, Terrence Sejnowski {subinfo}** - *Software Carpentry Instructor Training* **live website with the content that is used to train instructors involved in software carpentry{subinfo}** - Wikipedia - *zone of proximal development* - *peer instruction* ## Keep On Learning {image-full top-left darkened /black-bg /no-status}
## Thanks! Questions? {deck-status-fake-end /minion} twitter: `@remiemonet` web/email: `` Recommended Links: see resources # {no-print} # Attribution # @chunk:

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