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==== =Objective of the Presentation= * Version Control Systems ** concepts ** “rules” * Practical Git[slide] ** basic knowledge ** writing a latex paper * Interrupt me when necessary![slide] =Survey= * Who already knows Git?
* Who knows any of these?[slide] ** CVS, Subversion, ** Mercurial, Baz, GnuArch =Background= * Warning: not a Git guru ** for Git by a git, ask Linus Torvald ** the gittutorial ** the Pro Git book (available online) ** presentation with a lot of illustrations and animations (branching etc) ** many other resources on the web * My trajectory[slide] ** cp ** date ** tar ** “” ** (mail/diff) ** cvs, svn, GnuArch, bazaar[slide] ** git[slide] =Why Version Control, Why Git= * Version Control ** keeps track of history ** branching ** helps when merging * Git[slide] ** distributed ** local repository ** fast * Limitations[slide] ** binary files (no diff) ==[outline]


* Introduction ✓ * Starting with Git * Schyzophrenic Git * Multi-authoring =Starting with Git= * Initializing your project
git init
* What's up?
git status
[slide] * Deciding what is relevant
git add file1 file2 …
git commit
[slide] =Let's try it= * @
cp -r base mypaper ; cd mypaper

git init

git status
git add     mypaper.tex  cvpr.sty
git status
git commit
git status

... and more
=Recap= * Beginning
git init
git add ...
git commit [-m ...]
* Working
git status
git add ...
git commit [-m ...]
=Recap 2= * Clean projects: ignoring files ** .gitignore file(s) ** blabla.*, !blabla.my_precious, *~ * What did I just modify?
git status
git diff [...]
* What happened?
git log
=Nota Bene (vs CVS, Subversion)= * Local commit ** commit everywhere (train, plane, here) ** merge with 0-stress ** ! backup * By-project commit * Need to “git add” modifications =GUI for Git= * Bundled with git: git gui * Many others (qgit, GitX, tortoisegit) =Customizing Git= * Introducing yourself
git config --global  "John Doe"
git config --global
* Fancy colors and shortcuts
git config --global color.ui true

git config --global status
git config --global commit
* Configuration in ~/.gitconfig ==[outline]


* Introduction ✓ * Starting with Git ✓ * Schyzophrenic Git * Multi-authoring =About History= * Remember git log? * Each commit is written in stone[slide] ** parent(s) commit ** modifications ** sha1sum (e.g.    cb6dc3cb1f4f5eb15c1d9b2b25ae741cd73c0554)
** can be diff'ed against
git diff cb6dc3
[slide] ** can be retreived
git checkout cb6dc3
[slide] =Back to the Future: rewriting the past= * gitk, the “git gui” of history * Let's go… =Recap= * Branch ** label for a commit ** automatically follows on commit * Always commit before merging * Use of “sha1” or branch-name (e.g. brrrr) * Shortcuts
cb6dc3, brrrr, HEAD,
cb6dc3^42, tagggg
=Recap 2= * Moving in the history
git checkout sha1-or-branch-name
* Creating a new branch at current position
git checkout -b new-branch-name
* Merging “brrrr” into “master”
git checkout master
git merge brrrr
=Recap 3= * Automatic git merge ⇒ automatic commit * On conflicting git merge ** (partial merge) ** solve conflict ** git add ** git commit
* Exploring history ** git log ** gitk [--all] ==[outline]


* Introduction ✓ * Starting with Git ✓ * Schyzophrenic Git ✓ * Multi-authoring =Following a Repository= * Getting a full copy of a repository
git clone ~bob/repo/papier [mypaper]
[slide] * Pulling latest modifications
  (like “cvs/svn update”)
git pull [origin master]
[slide] * Pulling = fetch + merge
git fetch
git merge
[slide] =Distributed Version Control System= * Full local repository ** in-plane commit ** 0-stress merge * Pull (fetch+merge)[slide] ** from the “origin”
git pull
** from any “remote”
git remote add john-repo ~john/…
git pull john-repo master
git pull john-repo experiment
=Creating a Shared “Centralized” Repository= * Concepts ** “bare” repository (no classical files) ** “shared” access * From scratch
git --bare init --shared=group
* From an existing repository
git clone --bare /home/john/repo/cvpr [...]
cd ....
git config core.sharedRepository group
=Contributing to a Shared Repository= * Init: git clone ... * Hack hack hack * git commit hack git commit hack git commit[slide] * Merge and solve conflicts: git pull[slide] * Share: git push [origin master][slide] * (see also: git rebase)[slide] =Team Work= * Distributed or Centralized? * Shared branches? * Never break the “master”[slide] * File formatting[slide] ** do not reformat sources (.tex, ...) ** 1 sentence = 1 line ? ** avoid double-spaces =Last Git Things= * Working Over the Network ** nfs ** ssh, http, “git” ** svn, cvs
* Reminder[slide] ** always commit before merge ** backup your repository (NAS ✓) ==[outline]


* Introduction ✓ * Starting with Git ✓ * Schyzophrenic Git ✓ * Multi-authoring ✓ * Next?[slide] =A git “Template” for Papers= * Usual tasks ** build, … ** diff, export *
git clone
